Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite

 Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
 Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
 Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
 Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite
Sultry V4-A4-V4 Elite

Sultry V4 - A4 - V4 elite

Your V4 can be sultry, innocent or sophisticated as much as you want with this versatile garment pack.

It has all the items necessary for your lady to wear with a gorgeous body, a pair oif sandals, Necklace, Bracelet, Earrings and a sensuous leg band.

The textures for the body and shoes are 4096 to 4096 pixels in size that let you real nice close ups

System Requirements:

PC and Mac
Poser 6,  poser 7, Poser Pro, DAZ Studio (with limitations in the look of the textures and would need some adjustments to achieve certain special look and feel)

Needed Files:

DAZ Victoria 4.2

Optional: GND4 character (Renderosity), V4.2 morphs++, V4.2 Elite Morphs and A4 Morphs

Usage Tips or Limitations:

The body suit and all the companion accesories has lots of special morphs in order to achieve more position and situations and avoid some of the poke out problems due extreme poses, use your imagination to mix and match all those morphs for a realistic and pleasant result!

Useful tip:
Remember, in order to make Poser work over superconforming morphs you must need to choose Victoria4->Body Before you load the cloth item and conform, and then again, choose Victoria4->Body and load the next cloth item and conform and so on, this way when you inject a morph in V4 all the cloth items will follow the body shape ( in case that morph exists in the clothes too) otherwise you will ned to dial the morphs at hand in every piece of clothes, this problem is not an issue in DAZ studio.

*Body : you will find adjustment dial into the BODY, chest and hip actors to help you to adjust and dine tune the conforming of the garment.

*Leg Band: even when you may find a bit tricky to start playig with it, you can find very useful adjustment dials in the BODY and lthigh areas, some of them are shared and they let you adjust almost perfectly the leg band and a personal advice you can take care of the facing the camera section to thight adjust it even when the hidden section can be under the flesh of the character.

*NeckLace and Bracelet: they adjust very nice and they have adjustment morphs to face almost any body shape and position

*Sandals: even when the feet of the character remains almost unamoviblle in most body morphs, there are some elite and A4 ones that requieres a fine adjustmens, the same with the lateral displlacement that suffers the GND4 character, for this reason they had incorporated adjustment dials to cover any unwanted poke out that you can face. ( the GND4 petite foot its not soported)

*Earings: The earings are smart proped to the head and even when they have a parfect placement and dials to simulate the gravity efffect, a very heavy lateral swing can make a small off center effect that you can heal with a bit of displacement to the currect position, this effect dont exists in front and back swing movement.

under some light conditions, the smooth set in the firefly render can lead to unwanted artifacts, so if you face this problem, please turn of the smooth feature in the render engine.

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 25 October, 2013.

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